-First, the authors should login the www.bricsibd.org/2021 and sign up-All abstracts MUST be submitted via www.bricsibd.org/2021 using the online abstract submission system
-The author submitting the abstract MUST provide one presenting author and one corresponding author. The presenting author of an accepted abstract (oral and poster) must register prior to pre-registration deadline October 14, 2021 to have his/her abstract included in the Final Program
-All abstracts MUST be submitted in ENGLISH
-All abstracts MUST be formatted in Microsoft Office Word or Microsoft Office Word for Mac or other compatible software
-The authors are responsible for checking mistakes in literature or in scientific facts. Notification of acceptance will be sent to the corresponding/presenting author separate with the instructions on the preparation of Oral/Poster presentation
-The body limited with 300 words
-Abstract title is limited to 20 words (First letter of the title should be capitalized)
-Acceptable structure of an abstract must consist of four components: Background/Aim, Methods, Results and Conclusion
-TABLE/GRAPHS/IMAGES MUST be embedded in the file of the abstract as one document.
-The total number of TABLE/GRAPHS/IMAGES should not exceed THREE
-The maximum file size of each graph/image is 500KB and JPG format is recommended